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Since grades are all posted and I don't have to constantly obsess over my final grades, I can now relax and feel confident in showing you guys what kind of work I do at school!

There's only so much I can show you since some of my classes are hands-on, like Apparel Process, so I'll stick to showing you some examples of the work I've done for a couple of my computer-based courses.


It's funny, the night of the last post I made was such an awful night for me. Reading back on what my worries were is humorous. That night I spent about 4 hours in the emergency room all by myself due to excruciating pain I was having in my stomach. Come to find out – I've got a gallstone. As if my life didn't need to get any more complicated, I end up with having to deal with health issues and finals all in the same stint. I mean, it's been difficult. Especially food choice-wise. Nothing goes better with finals than pizza and sodas and loads of chips and snacks. All of which I am very unable to eat at the moment. I'm healing and detoxing in order to get my gallbladder back to health so I don't have to take any drastic measures and go through surgery. I literally do not have the time to take off to do that. None.

SO, here I am, at the very end of Q2 and I see an awfully familiar pattern in my blog postings. I'm trying to do better, trust me, but some days just aren't as fun as others. I go to school, come home, do homework and repeat. Nothing fancy.

I'm also going to show you very soon some of my final projects in my classes this quarter so you can get a chance to see what I'm learning and really understand a little about product development and the endless things I'm doing.

I have a little bit of good news as well, but I will keep that under wraps for a while before I spill any beans.

Hope you all have an amazing holiday break! Check back for updates these next few weeks. I'll be spending a lot of time alone and I'd love your company!

Internships & GPAs

First off, let me just say this: juggling life and managing time is hard and exhausting. Is this what they mean when they say, "You can't have it all"?

With my recent stint back home for the Turkey holiday, I'm still trying to get back into school grooves. Although I did feel like I got a lot done while I was stuffing my face with dinner rolls and sweet potatoes, I still didn't get as much done as I should have. Just to make my life a little easier this week. Mais, c'est la vie.

The end of my 2nd quarter is on the rise and time is slowing down for no one. I need to kick my butt into gear and deal with all that I have going on before it catches up to me the week of finals. I still have to make at least 3 garments for Apparel Process and design a whole 12 piece collection for CAD. One person can't do all these things!!!

3rd quarter registration starts bright and early tomorrow. I'm so baffled that it's already going to be my 3rd quarter. Then my 4th. Then I graduate. Again. HOPEFULLY I'll also have an awesome job lined up for me as well. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for that.

I frantically texted my mom at 9:45 for help with a cover letter. What's the point in cover letters again? Nothing! They're pointless! And also stressful. I think I generated more stress in writing three little paragraphs than I have my entire scholastic career. Just kidding, the ACTs were pretty rough.

I'm hoping I can find an internship by the time I need to in order to get academic credit for the quarter. I just want some actual experience in working with a brand. School is fun and all, but actually applying it to real life stuff would be super rad.

I wish my GPA wasn't in jeopardy this quarter. That darn Merchandise Math and those quizzes might bring me down. Rats.

Here it is...

Today was a big day for me.

I've been flirting with the idea of quitting my job at Gap for an enormous amount of reasons, but mainly because Holiday hours mixing with my 5 classes is not what's hot in any street. I've done it last year, and I was just... Anyways...

So, today I finally did it.
I put in my two weeks notice at Gap.
I've been with the company for about a year and some change now, but I took the leap. I don't know where I'll go, but I'll be damn sure to work my ass off to get crazy rad internships/jobs that stray very far away from being a sales associate.

So, if you're into celebrations, clink your drinks for me one time as an ode to my final separation from retail! Yippee!

I do want to thank all of those that I've worked with this past year. I have made life-long friendships, laughed until I've cried (my boo's at ON know what I'm talking about), and have extended my growth in the industry exponentially. I appreciate it all.

Let's see where life takes me next.

Fall Blues

I'm not sure if it's the weather change or what, but ever since the beginning of my entire college career, Fall semester has taken a toll on my general existence. If there was a way for me to specifically take JUST Spring/Summer courses and leave Fall for resting time, I'd be the first to sign up.

I'm so unfocused and unmotivated. I'm in a sort of funk I can't seem to drag myself out of. This is a consistent thing that happens each year. I wish I could pinpoint where this comes from. I'd love to move past it and start being more aware of things that are going on with me. Should I start taking my multivitamins again? Need more vitamin B to brighten my mood? I don't know what is happening to me, but I'd like it to stop. Things need to get done and my procrastination is at an all time high.



I'm kind of laughing at myself because my last blog post was just filler and I do apologize for that. I think it was because I was laying in bed with jitters and I found myself wanting to do something, so instead of searching for "creative lunch ideas" on Pinterest for the millionth time, or playing my 200th game of Spider Solitaire, I guess I decided to ditch a few of my pictures that didn't even document a fraction of what I've been doing since being back in LA. I'll do better–with my posts and with my pictures. Forgive me!

What I've (kind of) been doing back in LA


2nd quarter starts tomorrow! Wish me luck!

Finals are killing me. 

Early Birds Get Worms

Or something. 

It's 6:30 AM, I specifically woke up at 5:50 AM to register for fall classes. Was finished by 5:59 AM. 


Sorry about lack of posts. Finals are coming and I haven't even had time to cry about all these projects. 

But my cutie moves down here next week. :) Haven't seen that cute face for months! 

And sister comes in about a week or so. Can't wait to see her too! So many things!!!! 

We'll talk soon, loves. 

Sunday Evening

I had the day off of work and I spent it catching up on gossip with my wonderful friend Stef this morning, making Sunday breakfast for one, and finishing up my massive homework from my Apparel Process class. I took a tiny 20 minute nap in between this all and I couldn't have asked for a better turn out. My roommate had to work this evening, so I had the house to myself for the better part of the day. 
I've been trying to move on from retail lately and I've began to frequent my career counselor to get some direction on my resume and which steps I should take in my career at this point. I've been getting some wonderful feedback and I'm hoping by this time next month I can land a really great position somewhere doing mid-level work. Here's to hoping! Wish me luck, lovers.


Rounding out my weekend, as it began with spending much needed time with my mom while she was in town. I took the weekend off from work to dedicate my days to being with her and I couldn't have been more grateful.

Bed Blog #2

I've settled into this new life of mine and I look back to the days leading up to my original departure and it feels like lifetimes ago. Just roughly a month ago I was laced with fear, not to say that I'm still not completely terrified of what's to come, but even more so then.  I feel like I'm changing so rapidly and everything is such a whirlwind of chaotic things that sometimes I can't even catch my breath. Sometimes my ears are in my stomach and my eyes stay looking for anything familiar because everything now is so new and different.

When I get lost I start to panic and my palms start sweating because who can I call to save me? It's just me. Sometimes I think I'll have to pull over to catch myself and remind myself that I can do this. 

I can do this. 
I'm doing this. 

Bed Blog #1

I can only remember (or find the energy) to blog when I'm in bed at 2 am, so most of my thoughts are laced with the sleeps. 

My Mondays are always the same. Apparel Process for 6 hrs but I enjoyed today. That's not so normal since 6 hrs in the same spot is a lot to get through. 

Same process as always, patterns first, sewing later. We sewed together cute little mock pieces to demo darts, and I was in love with how tiny the pieces were. We are sewing together a dress from our own patters by the end of the summer. We have the option to make it in the muslin (this ugly plain cotton fabric above) or bring our own woven fabric. I haven't decided what I want to do yet, but I've got a week to figure it out.

Midterm is next week, which is week 5, and I'm freaking out. Time has flew by! It's crazy that I'll be a quarter done with my program in just 6 weeks.

Mom comes to see me next weekend and I couldn't be more excited. Mostly excited for free groceries though. ;) 


It's 2:51 AM.
I just got off of Skype with B after spending hours laughing and watching Netflix simultaneously. 

I love being out here to live out my dreams and explore new parts of myself. I love having the option to start over and create new habits for myself. What I do not love is feeling this alone. 

It sounds so luxurious to be living in LA and going to a well-known fashion school. But it's not all glitter and gold. I am surrounded by unfamiliar territory every time I walk out of my door. I feel like every one around me is in on this big secret and I'm the person they're keeping it from. 

I deeply know that this is my path and this is what is right for me, but this level of loneliness is deafening. This heart-stopping stillness is sometimes defeating. This is nothing compared to traveling across the world with a group of strangers. At least then we were all in it together. Now, it's just me.

I understand that this will get better and I will grow and learn to rip myself from being dependent of others and learn to rely on myself for stability. It will just take time. For now, I'm just sad and lonely. This too shall pass. 


My room has had this moldy, water leak smell in it for the past few days. I've been trying to figure out what could be making it smell so badly, but couldn't find the culprit.

When I was emptying out my big bag to rearrange my stuff for AP1, I was welcomed by a rush of that moldy, water leak smell.

I had forgotten to take my lunch out from Wednesday's classes. Oy. Needless to say, my room no longer smells of mold. Also, broccoli is very easily mistaken for that smell as well.

I've had a long weekend and I definitely didn't utilize my lonely Saturday night off as well as I should have. I feel so SWAMPED with homework, I don't know how I have time to blink. I still need to finish my 14 patterns from my book as well as start my study guide. Waahhhhh!

This is my view from my class at the loft. It was such a lovely day today though. It's my roommate's birthday and she chose to have sushi for dinner. We were being such whiney pants after school though. I was crazy tired, cranky and hungry, so I wasn't pleasant. I've been getting very lovely headaches lately too, so I always look forward to those. We came home, ate Japanese and took naps (well, I did at least). 

Saturday Night Swatching

I need to make friends, guys. I can't be living in LA, sitting at home doing homework. It's just not supposed to be a thing.

I'll do better. I swear. 

P.S. my swatches are done. 


I've gotta make this short because duty calls and I've spent the last few hours trying to troubleshoot broken internet.

I had Fundamentals of Sketching and Textile Science today as my last "new" classes. I know now that I hated traditional University the moment I got my croqui book. The minute I opened it I couldn't stop looking at it. At University I loathed having to buy books and supplies, but here (even though it's included in your tuition) it's like a surprise at the beginning of each quarter. Everything is so fascinating and I'm so enamored by all of my textbooks.

I'm really excited to get into sketching, it's really basic stuff but all stuff I haven't ever done before. I am also really glad my teacher has such great energy and is genuinely interested in each of her students. I love that about educators.

Finally, the only class I'm remotely terrified about is Textile Science. There is so much to the subject of textiles alone, but my professor doesn't make it one bit interesting. This was the only class that made me feel like I was back at UVU. I didn't have a great first impression of it, but as time goes on, I'm hoping it will definitely improve.

I'm off to finish my study guides and prep for quizzes! I promise I'll start taking pictures of my day so you can actually see what I'm doing throughout my classes/days.


Dotting Paper and Manilla

I'm definitely not in Utah anymore when strangers are courageous enough to scream sentences that are often recognized as compliments when in close proximity to another. I laugh at men whose manners are not exactly developed enough to understand that shouting at a woman will not get you her attention.

My only class today was Apparel Process 1 which basically takes you through the process of pattern making and sewing a garment. I was baffled by a lot of the information because it was pretty basic enough for me to know what I'm doing and I felt pretty good about my skill in each area. Each week we'll learn something different and eventually we'll sew together a dress. Next week we'll start on the bodice and go from there.

Last week I laughed at seeing people walking around with rolls of muslin thinking, "That stinks! They have to carry that everywhere!" but once I got my supplies before class... I was that one person walking around with a roll of muslin and a tote bag stuffed to completion. Tool box in one hand, muslin in another, I knew I had to do the inevitable – I had to buy a rollie bag. :(

But guys, before you judge me, it is soo not cute to lug around a bag that weighs a million zillion pounds. Plus, it's not fashionable to have a broken back. ;)

We have to personalize our tools and let me tell you how much I love sewing swag!

Wanna know the best part about today? No school tomorrow!

The Nitty Gritty

After wasting an hour of my precious life in traffic just getting on the freeway, I am beat. I just started work at the Gap at The Grove and my little four hour shift was fun and terrifying in all the right places. There is a scary amount of employees at that store, so it is definitely easy to become just another one.

The Beginning

I've been promising this blog to myself for a week or so now since I've been trying to keep friends and family updated with how I'm doing. I'll try my best to post as often as I can, but life sometimes catches up to me. It's been a little frustrating, but at this point, I'm ready!