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Internships & GPAs

First off, let me just say this: juggling life and managing time is hard and exhausting. Is this what they mean when they say, "You can't have it all"?

With my recent stint back home for the Turkey holiday, I'm still trying to get back into school grooves. Although I did feel like I got a lot done while I was stuffing my face with dinner rolls and sweet potatoes, I still didn't get as much done as I should have. Just to make my life a little easier this week. Mais, c'est la vie.

The end of my 2nd quarter is on the rise and time is slowing down for no one. I need to kick my butt into gear and deal with all that I have going on before it catches up to me the week of finals. I still have to make at least 3 garments for Apparel Process and design a whole 12 piece collection for CAD. One person can't do all these things!!!

3rd quarter registration starts bright and early tomorrow. I'm so baffled that it's already going to be my 3rd quarter. Then my 4th. Then I graduate. Again. HOPEFULLY I'll also have an awesome job lined up for me as well. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for that.

I frantically texted my mom at 9:45 for help with a cover letter. What's the point in cover letters again? Nothing! They're pointless! And also stressful. I think I generated more stress in writing three little paragraphs than I have my entire scholastic career. Just kidding, the ACTs were pretty rough.

I'm hoping I can find an internship by the time I need to in order to get academic credit for the quarter. I just want some actual experience in working with a brand. School is fun and all, but actually applying it to real life stuff would be super rad.

I wish my GPA wasn't in jeopardy this quarter. That darn Merchandise Math and those quizzes might bring me down. Rats.


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