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It's funny, the night of the last post I made was such an awful night for me. Reading back on what my worries were is humorous. That night I spent about 4 hours in the emergency room all by myself due to excruciating pain I was having in my stomach. Come to find out – I've got a gallstone. As if my life didn't need to get any more complicated, I end up with having to deal with health issues and finals all in the same stint. I mean, it's been difficult. Especially food choice-wise. Nothing goes better with finals than pizza and sodas and loads of chips and snacks. All of which I am very unable to eat at the moment. I'm healing and detoxing in order to get my gallbladder back to health so I don't have to take any drastic measures and go through surgery. I literally do not have the time to take off to do that. None.

SO, here I am, at the very end of Q2 and I see an awfully familiar pattern in my blog postings. I'm trying to do better, trust me, but some days just aren't as fun as others. I go to school, come home, do homework and repeat. Nothing fancy.

I'm also going to show you very soon some of my final projects in my classes this quarter so you can get a chance to see what I'm learning and really understand a little about product development and the endless things I'm doing.

I have a little bit of good news as well, but I will keep that under wraps for a while before I spill any beans.

Hope you all have an amazing holiday break! Check back for updates these next few weeks. I'll be spending a lot of time alone and I'd love your company!


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