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My room has had this moldy, water leak smell in it for the past few days. I've been trying to figure out what could be making it smell so badly, but couldn't find the culprit.

When I was emptying out my big bag to rearrange my stuff for AP1, I was welcomed by a rush of that moldy, water leak smell.

I had forgotten to take my lunch out from Wednesday's classes. Oy. Needless to say, my room no longer smells of mold. Also, broccoli is very easily mistaken for that smell as well.

I've had a long weekend and I definitely didn't utilize my lonely Saturday night off as well as I should have. I feel so SWAMPED with homework, I don't know how I have time to blink. I still need to finish my 14 patterns from my book as well as start my study guide. Waahhhhh!

This is my view from my class at the loft. It was such a lovely day today though. It's my roommate's birthday and she chose to have sushi for dinner. We were being such whiney pants after school though. I was crazy tired, cranky and hungry, so I wasn't pleasant. I've been getting very lovely headaches lately too, so I always look forward to those. We came home, ate Japanese and took naps (well, I did at least). 


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